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DTLC YOU Can Be a Speaker Challenge 2024

YOU Can Be a Speaker!

with our FREE Speaker Challenge

 For over 30 years I've spoken to audiences from big stages, TV Studios, business settings, radio shows, coaching and masterminds and more. Next to my family, it’s the most meaningful and joyful experience of my life. 

And now I want to teach you how to be a speaker too! 

In this FREE Speaker Challenge, you'll learn key skills to help you become an effective speaker in any setting for Him. 

Learn WHY You Speak

Write your powerful Speaking Purpose Statement

Learn WHAT to Speak

Clarify your Priority ONE Message

Learn HOW to Speak

Discover the 3 Successful Speaking Dos and Don'ts!

“Because I know how to EFFECTIVELY share my message, it's changed EVERYTHING as an educator and presenter. All of the skills I've learned have made me a top requested speaker for a district that includes 26 schools.” ~Amanda Powell

With this FREE speaker challenge, you'll learn simple skills to apply to any setting--business, community,  home, or religious. You will be more articulate, confident, and respected in sharing your message. And you will make a difference in the lives of those hearing it.

"By the end of the third day [of this challenge], I was able to feel more confident and successful in my speaking. A week later, I hosted my first meet and greet, and I was able to talk to those 15 women about my purpose. I was able to feel really confident about what I was called to do and what I'm inspired to do and called to do by our Heavenly Father. " ~MB Padovich, Author

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